Archive for May, 2011

Mac n’ Cheese Made from Scratch

You really really can’t go wrong with things covered in cheese, but when you make it yourself, there truly isn’t much better than that. Biscuits n’ Such really knows what’s up. I can’t really remember how it came up, but we started talking about grits and he said “It’s always breakfast time in the South.” And it’s true. I could totally eat that mac n’ cheese for breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack…But before we get into mac n’ cheese, I just want to let you all know that my plants are really coming along. I don’t have a picture of them (though I will soon), but when they bloom a little more I’ll show you!

it may not look appetizing, but have you ever heard cheese bubble and sizzle? it's like the cheese was orgasming.

WARNING: this recipe gets pretty sexy, which should always be expected when massive amounts of cheese are involved.

Continue reading ‘Mac n’ Cheese Made from Scratch’

Who Cares About Processed Foods?

I just saw a commercial for French’s onion sticks or something like that. They provided a recipe involving the following steps:

1. Crush the French’s onion fries in a ziploc bag with a rolling pin.
2. Coat chicken breasts in egg yolk.
3. Bread chicken breasts in crushed French’s onion fries and bake.

I know a lot of people are about fresh food, non-processed things, and healthy cooking, but that’s not how I feel. In case you didn’t already know, my philosophy is this: the most important thing is that you cook and create your own meals. I don’t care if you use French’s onion fries, which are high in sodium, or if you use lots of cheese in your mac n’ cheese (like I did). What matters is that you’re proud not only to eat what you’ve cooked, but to share it with the ones you love. That’s what’s up.

**Also, I just realized that I didn’t post the mac n’ cheese recipe I made. I guess that means I’ll have to make it again…

I LOVE Green Beans

I don’t know if you already knew this, but I love green beans. I could just snack on raw green beans all day. Granted, I get that weird green bean breath, but I don’t care. They’re so delicious and nutritious and crunchy and tasty and perfect. So I decided at Lowe’s the other day that I would buy green bean seeds. At first, they took their sweet time blooming. I thought “What am I doing wrong? Are they not planted deep enough? Is the weather too hot? Is it too late in the season?” But then last week they began to sprout. I left on Friday to visit my manfriend, and when I returned home this evening, they looked like this:

my green bean plant! it has canopies for ants! not that i want many bugs hangin around my beans...

They had grown SIGNIFICANTLY since I had left. I’m so excited!!! My only fear is that they don’t have enough room to grow. I’d re-plant them in our backyard, but we haven’t had a chance to clean it up and redo the soil and all that jazz. We just don’t have time. I also looked up whether or not I needed to give them a stake or wire or something for them to grow around, and I conclude from my research that they do not. Apparently there are some green beans that grow that way, and some that don’t. The ones I bought did not say I had to provide something for them to grow around, so…I will not provide it.

So I’m pretty psyched for these green beans to grow. Stay tuned!

Herb Roasted Chicken

Finally! A recipe! So exciting! Exclamation points and fragments!

This was a pretty delicious and easy recipe. The only difficulty of it though was that, since I moved, I don’t have a meat thermometer (my old roommate had one), and as a result, I had to guess how long to cook my bird. I usually buy less meat than suggested in recipes since I cook for one, so I chose a smaller chicken. It turned out a little dry, but still pretty tasty.

brussel sprouts and chicken with fresh rosemary. not the most attractive picture, but yummy!

Continue reading ‘Herb Roasted Chicken’

May 2011
3031 things